Medical Social Services deals with the emotional and supportive aspects of health. Social Workers are trained to handle unsound relationships between the family members, their health or their role in their own community. In some other cases, social workers can be very helpful for patients who are unable to effectively access community resources for home health services, foster care, and financial aid. We also help patients and family members during stressful events like a diagnosis of a life-limiting disease or the untimely death of a loved one.
The most commonly used tool in this care program is counseling. Our Medical Social Workers are well-trained and highly experienced in counseling for individuals, families, and groups. We firmly believe in the diplomatic method of solving family conflicts.
When it comes to health, we provide administrative support by helping patients’ family members with paper work or the processing of claims.
There are many other ways that a medical social worker can help you and your family. Because their area of specialization can handle diverse situations, clients can greatly benefit from their expertise with the aim to effectively manage a health condition or in the achievement of the desired lifestyle at home.